Research and other activities¶
Nowadays, my main work is about creating the tools for computational neuroscience research, and not so much about the research itself. Nevertheless, I’ve been lucky to collaborate on projects concerning synaptic plasticity, dendritic computations, and networks of neurons and astrocytes; see my publication page for more details.
Software reviews¶
Software plays a major role in computational research, but it is often left out of the usual publication and review processes. A number of initiatives have taken up the task to improve this situation: the Journal of Open Source Software publishes short papers for research software packages, focussing the review process on the software itself and its documentation, the ReScience C journal publishes replications of existing computational research, and the CODECHECK project certifies the reproducibility of code underlying scientific papers. I am an editor for JOSS and had the pleasure of being a reviewer for all three projects.
Working groups¶
I’ve been a member of the INCF/OCNS software working group since its creation, and have been co-chairing it since April 2023. I am a member of its task forces aiming to create a tool to help researchers to decide what simulator to use, and to create guidelines for best practices in software development.
Journal reviews¶
I regularly review publications for traditional journals as well, have a look at my ORCID profile for examples.